Control of Corruption in a relationship with public budget and social-economic indexes, in the case of Vietnam

Windy –Thi Ngoc Minh Phan (1)
(1) Department of Public Policy and Administration, National Chi Nan University, No.1 Daxue Road, Puli Township, Nantou County, Taiwan (R.O.C) , Taiwan, Province of China


Corruption which not only is a global phenomenon but also has been existing for a long time
are receiving much concerned of many scholars and practitioners of public administration discipline
worldwide, and Vietnam is not an exception. Corruption is generally linked with essence activities of
the public authorities and especially with the monopolistic discretionary power of the state. According
to The Viet Nam Provincial Governance and Public Administration Performance Index - PAPI
reports, the score of the Control of Corruption varied from 4,31 to 7,14 among 63 provinces in
Vietnam in 2016. This article assessed the state-of-the-field by addressing the following question:
Why did the control of corruption vary among provinces? To be more precise, this paper aims to
find the reasons which make the control of corruption index varied among 63 provinces in Vietnam,
primarily concentrates on the interaction between corruption and public budget; between corruption
and some socio-economic characteristics. The exciting result is there is no relationship between the
control of corruption and public budget. Only Gross Regional Domestic Product – GRDP has a
positive effect on the control corruption while poverty rate, Average Income, Ethnic Minority, and
unemployment rate have a negative impact.


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Windy –Thi Ngoc Minh Phan
“Control of Corruption in a relationship with public budget and social-economic indexes, in the case of Vietnam”, Soc. sci. humanities j., vol. 3, no. 04, pp. 954–963, Apr. 2019, Accessed: Feb. 23, 2025. [Online]. Available:
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