Analysing the impact of supply chain practice and preceding cooperative behaviour on supply chain performance efficiency: A study on Pakistan food industry

Talha Younus (1) , 2Dr. Danish Ahmed Siddiqui (2)
(1) Karachi University Business School, University of Karachi, Pakistan , Pakistan
(2) , Pakistan


The study investigated the impact of Supply Chain practices and preceding cooperative behaviour on the supply chain efficiency of the food sector. The data has been gathered by means of the questionnaire with a five Likert scale from which a total of 350 responses have been collected from the food sector of Pakistan, and were assessed through structural equation modelling. The results showed that there is a significant relation between the SC practices, antecedent cooperative behaviour and supply chain performance. The statistical findings have clearly revealed that SC practices such as the leans thinking approach can essentially help to enhance the revenues and cut the cost of the supply chain of the food retail sector. The findings have the implication that it gives a deeper knowledge about the significant dimensions of retail industry to improve supply chain performance of the food retail firms. Moreover, the study will help the food retail sector to know the important role of CRM and lean thinking in raising cost in the SME’s in the food retail supply chain sector.


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Talha Younus
2Dr. Danish Ahmed Siddiqui
“Analysing the impact of supply chain practice and preceding cooperative behaviour on supply chain performance efficiency: A study on Pakistan food industry”, Soc. sci. humanities j., vol. 3, no. 04, pp. 1020–1038, Apr. 2019, Accessed: Feb. 23, 2025. [Online]. Available:
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