The Unsettled Question on the Testimony of a Child Witness and Its Admissibility under the Nigerian Law of Evidence

E.Q. Okolie Esq Llb (1) , (Hons.) Bl, Llm, Ph.D (2)
(1) 2Senior Lecturer and Former Head of Department, Faculty of Law, Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University, Igbariam Campus Anambra State, Nigeria , Nigeria
(2) Senior Lecturer and Former Head of Department, Faculty of Law, Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University, Igbariam Campus Anambra State, Nigeria , Nigeria


This paper addresses the unsettled questions and agitations surrounding the procedure for the reception or otherwise of the admissibility of the testimony of a child witness under the relevant provisions of the Nigerian Evidence Act[1]. There are however discordant voices and opinions concerning the right interpretation of this aspect of evidence relating to the testimony of a child witness. The objective of this paper is inter alia to examine some of the case laws on the point and to proffer suggestions as to what may be considered the correct approach and interpretation of the relevant provisions of the Evidence Act on the testimony of a child witness thereby resolving the unsettled question on the testimony of a child witness and its admissibility in judicial proceedings.


[1] No. 18 2011 as amended which repealed the Evidence Act cap. E 14, laws of the federation of Nigeria.


1. No. 18 2011 as amended which repealed the Evidence Act cap. E 14, laws of the federation of Nigeria.
2. Ibid
3. Cap. 80 LFN 1990 now 2004
4. Ibid
5. Ibid
6. Ibid
7. Onyegbu v. the State (1998) NWLR pt. 391, p. 510
8. John Okoye v. the State (1972) 12 SC at p. 21
9. Ibid
10. (1973) NMLR p. 292
11. (1998) NWLP pt 391, 510
12. Ibid
13. Ibid
14. (1988) SC 108/1987 https:/// supreme court and also reported in law pavilion:
15. Ibid at pp. 182-183
16. (1990) 4 NWLR (pt. 145) 484
17. Ibid, at pp. 495 and 503.
18. Ibid at P. 499
19. (1993) 6 N.W.LR. (Pt. 300) 399
20. Ibid at p. 419
21. R. vs Dunne 21 Cri App R. 176
22. Okon vs. the State (1988) 1 N.W.LR. (pt. 69) 172 at 187
23. Supra
24. Supra
25. Ibid
26. Supra
27. Supra
28. See Section 179 of the Evidence Act, Cap. 112, Laws of the Federation, 1990 and section 201 of the extant Evidence Act no 18 2011 (as amended)
29. See Akapn vs. The State (1967) M.M.L.R. 185; Arebamen vs. The State (1972) 4 S.C. 35; DPP vs. Hester (1973) A.C. 296
30. See Section 183(1) of the evidence Act now section 209(1) of the extant Evidence Act 2011 Sambo vs. The State (supra)
31. Ibid
32. Supra
33. Supra


E.Q. Okolie Esq Llb
(Hons.) Bl, Llm, Ph.D
“The Unsettled Question on the Testimony of a Child Witness and Its Admissibility under the Nigerian Law of Evidence”, Soc. sci. humanities j., vol. 3, no. 04, pp. 1081–1088, Apr. 2019, Accessed: Feb. 23, 2025. [Online]. Available:
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