The impulses and outlook of China, Russia and U.S. relation in the Horn of Africa; the case of Ethiopia

Nardos Hawaz Yeheys (1)
(1) PhD Student at Jilin University, School of International and Public Affairs Changchun, China , China



Ethiopia is one of the ancient states in the world having a history of more than three thousand years. The state had been in the de facto relationship with different states especially in Asia and Europe. China and India, however, had very old relation with Ethiopia, Chinas relation goes back to the Axumite kingdom.

Portugal, Turkey, England, and Russia had engaged in different occasional relation with Ethiopian empire from Europe.

Currently, Ethiopia has been strengthening its diplomatic relations with many countries around the world. The nature of the relationship depended on the national interest and global prospect. Thus, its relation with China will not as similar to the USA or Russia.

More recently, the influential computation between USA and China in global prospect had come up with a new thought to enable the states to see their relationship ties in a serious manner. Thus, Ethiopia's relationship with the USA and China had been stimulatingly rising and fall at different times. Yet, the world can witness, the progress of Ethiopia's economy and infrastructure development as the fruit of diplomatic ties with China. While, the USA of course, also want to rebuild its diplomatic relation, Nevertheless, Russia had begun to strengthen its relationship in parallel with Chinas demand.

This paper will highlight, the computation of U.S. and China’s engagement in Ethiopia and the rationale, the interest and the role of Russia in its perspectives.


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Nardos Hawaz Yeheys
“The impulses and outlook of China, Russia and U.S. relation in the Horn of Africa; the case of Ethiopia”, Soc. sci. humanities j., vol. 3, no. 10, pp. 1557–1570, Oct. 2019, Accessed: Feb. 23, 2025. [Online]. Available:
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