The Real State of In-Service Teacher Training For Science Teachers at Secondary School from the Points of Views of Teachers Supervisor and Education Experts in Khartoum State 2.2 THE CONCEPT OF PLANNING

Dr. Bannaga Taha Elzubair Hussen (1) , Dr. Alajab Mohammed Alajab (2) , Dr. Hanan Mohammed Osman Alfadlabi (3)
(1) University Of Khartoum (Sudan) , Sudan
(2) Arabian Gulf University (Bahrain) , Bahrain
(3) University Of Khartoum (Sudan) , Sudan


The present study aimed to reflect the real state of the in-service training for science teachers at Sudanese Secondary School Level, from the teachers, the educational supervisors, and the educational specialist at Khartoum state point of views. The researchers used the descriptive analytical method on a sample of 998 male and female teachers and 25 male and female supervisors in Sudanese public schools. A stratified random sample of 404 male and female teachers and 13 male and female supervisors participated in the study. Data collection tools included a questionnaire for the teachers and the interview approach was used with the supervisors. For the data analysis, the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) was used for testing ;( average, t-test, chi-square test, standard deviation, and percentage). Data analysis has come out with many findings; the most important of which are; the training courses available now meet the teachers' needs but they are insufficient. The planning for training is not flexible and enervative as required and finally, the objectives of those training courses are not formulated in a procedural manner, and could not be measured, and its content is not balanced between academic and professional preparation, as well as, the evaluation of training courses is carried out using a form by the end of courses. In the light of these findings some recommendations were generated, the most important of which are; connecting the training courses with the teachers' real needs. Planning for training should be carried out by experts, constructing learning objectives in a procedural manner, and they should be measurable, and the evaluation of training courses should include theoretical and practical aspect. The authors proposed conducting studies to reflect the reality of training for teachers of other subjects.


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Dr. Bannaga Taha Elzubair Hussen
Dr. Alajab Mohammed Alajab
Dr. Hanan Mohammed Osman Alfadlabi
“The Real State of In-Service Teacher Training For Science Teachers at Secondary School from the Points of Views of Teachers Supervisor and Education Experts in Khartoum State: 2.2 THE CONCEPT OF PLANNING”, Soc. sci. humanities j., vol. 3, no. 05, pp. 1151–1163, May 2019, Accessed: Jan. 22, 2025. [Online]. Available:
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