Implementing Role Efficacy through a Multidimensional Organizational Design

Dr. Joel Bigley (1)
(1) , United States


Customers of multinational enterprises (MNEs) exist almost everywhere. Cross border B2C e-commerce is expected to double by 2022 according to Forrester Research. How do MNE’s efficiently leverage their talent or adapt to changing business environments across products and geographic markets? Leadership efficacy is critical in a global multidimensional organization due to the complexities inherent in the design. Embedding leadership in an organization is a strategic priority that must be implemented with rigor. In this case study an MNE utilized a multidimensional organization design to reach global markets. The author presents empirical findings from this case and ultimately extracts nineteen propositions to show how leadership can be embedded across a global supply chain. Absent this understanding, risk of revenue loss is enhanced significantly.  


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Dr. Joel Bigley
“Implementing Role Efficacy through a Multidimensional Organizational Design”, Soc. sci. humanities j., vol. 3, no. 06, pp. 1239–1260, Jun. 2019, Accessed: Feb. 13, 2025. [Online]. Available:
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