Challenges Teachers Face In Integrating Fieldwork into Teaching and Learning of Geography in Senior High Schools

Baidoo-Anu, David (1) , Owusu Ansah (2) , Acquah, Martin Maxmillian (3) , Bentil, Samuel (4)
(1) Department of Education and Psychology University of Cape Coast , Ghana
(2) Department of Business and Social Science Education University of Cape Coast , Ghana
(3) Department of Geography and Regional Planning University of Cape Coast , Ghana
(4) Department of Business and Social Science Education University of Cape Coast , Ghana


The main purpose of this study was to investigate the challenges that Senior High School Geography Teachers in Cape Coast Metropolis face in integrating fieldwork in the teaching and learning of Geography. For the purpose of this study, the descriptive design was used. This study was conducted in the Cape Coast Metropolis. The target population of this study consists of all Senior High Schools in Cape Coast Metropolis. However, the accessible population for the study was made up of only public Senior High Schools in the Cape Coast Metropolis. The researchers employed purposive sampling to select only the Public Senior High Schools in the Cape Coast Metropolis.  Again, they employed purposive sampling to select only the geography teachers and form three students of the selected Public Senior High Schools. This study found that teachers who do not have the needed time to organise fieldwork for their students, the workload on them in the school usually does not permit them to plan fieldwork for their students, inadequate financial support from the school administration negatively affects the organization of fieldwork. Thi study found that reducing class size and including fieldwork in geography curriculum will enhance the integration of fieldwork in teaching and learning of geography at the Senior High School. It was recommended that The Ghana Education Service in Cape Coast Metropolis should reduce the workload on geography teachers to help the have adequate time to organize fieldwork. The Ghana Education Service in Cape Coast Metropolis should provide the schools with the needed resources to facilitate effective organization of fieldwork.


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Baidoo-Anu, David
Owusu Ansah
Acquah, Martin Maxmillian
Bentil, Samuel
“Challenges Teachers Face In Integrating Fieldwork into Teaching and Learning of Geography in Senior High Schools”, Soc. sci. humanities j., vol. 3, no. 07, pp. 1435–1444, Jul. 2019, Accessed: Feb. 15, 2025. [Online]. Available:
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