Adolescent Substance Abuse: An Introduction to Attachment and Systems Theories

Mary Jane Coy (1)
(1) Pima Community College, USA , United States


The substance abuse epidemic in America is not exclusive to the adult population. Adolescents are increasingly engaging in this behavior which has far- reaching effects. The adolescent is at a transitional phase within the family system and is in a unique stage in the developmental process. When addressing the particular needs of the adolescent within an integrative treatment approach, one must appraise the attachment styles of the adolescent and the systems with which the adolescent is engaged. In an effort towards positive treatment outcomes, the contextual factors that contribute to adolescent development must also be considered. This paper examines Attachment Theory and Systems Theory, considers the literature informing therapeutic interventions for the adolescent who abuses substances, and offers practical suggestions for intervention design with respect to this population. Finally, implications for future research are also offered.


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Mary Jane Coy
“Adolescent Substance Abuse: An Introduction to Attachment and Systems Theories”, Soc. sci. humanities j., vol. 3, no. 06, pp. 1379–1394, Jun. 2019, Accessed: Mar. 06, 2025. [Online]. Available:
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