Construction of Blusukan Meaning in the Campaign of Regional Heads

Betty Gama Bani Sudardi Wakit Abdullah Mahendra Wijaya


This study analyzed the Solo Local Leaders Election Campaign in 2010. Blusukan politics allowed candidates to meet face to face with their citizens. This interaction can build community closeness and trust in the candidate. The aim of the study was to analyze the construction of the meaning of blusukan on the Local Leaders Election campaign relating to: blusukan and closeness to the community, blusukan as a form of imaging candidates and a cultural approach through blusukan. The method used is descriptive qualitative method using critical discourse analysis from Norman Fairclough. Fairclough. The discourse analysis becomes three dimensions, namely text analysis, discourse practice and socio-cultural analysis. Each of these dimensions has an area, a process and an analysis model of each and all three are dialectically related. This study uses the literature study approach and documentation studies of the local election news published in Solopos daily in the period March-April 2010. The technique of collecting data is primary and secondary data. Qualitative analysis is carried out by desk study, which is information retrieval and data collection through literature studies. The results showed that blusukan was able to establish a close relationship with potential voters, blusukan was done as a form of imaging candidates and the Javanese traditional approach in the form of language, clothing and attributes used by candidates also determine the candidate's victory.


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Betty Gama
Bani Sudardi
Wakit Abdullah
Mahendra Wijaya
“Construction of Blusukan Meaning in the Campaign of Regional Heads”, Soc. sci. humanities j., vol. 3, no. 07, pp. 1416–1427, Jul. 2019, Accessed: Jul. 03, 2024. [Online]. Available:
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