Social Studies Education And The Affective Behaviour Development

DANIA P. O (1)
(1) Department of Social Science Education, Delta State University, Abraka. , Nigeria


It is common place that education at the three levels emphasizes cognitive than its affective component in Nigeria. It is ironical that though the curricular for these levels contain the three domains of learning. There are misconceptions about the relationship that exist between the affective domain and social studies education. Social studies, as a discipline is leaded with affection overtones. The goal of social studies is to foster affective development in the curricula structures consist of programme significant to affective education. Social studies make learners to acquire analytical reasoning, through the acquisition of human relationship in issues and problems of man and his environment. The neglect of the achievement of the affective learning is the absence validated affective measurement instruments. This paper therefore, discusses the ways which social studies education could be taught to enhance the development of much neglected affective behaviour of learners


“Social Studies Education And The Affective Behaviour Development”, Soc. sci. humanities j., vol. 1, no. 06, pp. 362–378, Nov. 2017, Accessed: Feb. 23, 2025. [Online]. Available:
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