Phenomena in the Indonesia Supreme Court Justices Appointments in consideration of the Indonesia Government System

Fahmi Hafid Bachdim (1) , Ramlani Lina Sinaulan (2)
(1) Doctoral Candidate, University of Jayabaya Jakarta, Indonesia , Indonesia
(2) Senior Lecturer, University of Jayabaya Jakarta, Indonesia , Indonesia


This work is a study on the pattern of the Indonesia Supreme Court Justices appointments in consideration of government politic reform and democratization movement toward a new paradigm in official appointments process which is more democratic. Normative legal research is used as the method for this work. Secondary data used in this work are primary, secondary, and tertiary sources of legal materials. Findings show that the pattern of Justice appointments should be maintained and processed with respect to the character of Indonesia government inter-agency relations. In view of the expectation that such appointments should reflect the implementation of principles of democracy by a constitutional state or representative government under the rule of law, it is necessary that the constitutional construction under the applicable articles on Supreme Court Justices appointments be amended


[1] Article 6B Act 3 of 2009.
[2] Ali, Begini Cara Amerika Serikat Memilih Hakim,, Accessed on 2 June 2019.
[3] The Supreme Court Justices Candidates shall be interviewed in an open session to the public by the Judicial Commissioners. Interview period was 20 July through 28 July 2011. The Commissioners are Eman Suparman, Imam Anshori Saleh, Taufiqurrahman Syahuri, Ibrahim, Suparman Marzuki, Abbas Said, Jaja Achmad Jayus. In addition, the Judicial Commission Panel Team, Prof Arief Sidarta, and Abdul Muktie Fajar was attended the interview process.
[4] Article 24B Ayat (1), UUD 1945.
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[7] Article 24A paragraph (3) UUD 1945 (Third Amendment).
[8] Article 24A paragraph (3) UUD 1945 (Third Amendment).
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Fahmi Hafid Bachdim
Ramlani Lina Sinaulan
“Phenomena in the Indonesia Supreme Court Justices Appointments in consideration of the Indonesia Government System”, Soc. sci. humanities j., vol. 3, no. 10, pp. 1571–1578, Oct. 2019, Accessed: Feb. 23, 2025. [Online]. Available:
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