Employee Retention-A Study in IVRCL

Dr. Mohammed Shafiuddin (1) , Dr. Prem kumar Arul (2)
(1) Faculty in Business Studies Department Nizwa College of Technology , Oman
(2) Faculty in Business Studies Department Nizwa College of Technology , Oman


Employee retention involves taking measures to encourage employees to remain in the organization for the maximum period of time. Retention is an important concept when compare to hiring. In today’s environment it becomes important to retain the employees for the organization.

Throughout each year, companies of all sizes struggle with the issue of retaining employees. Is it that the employees are not comfortable with their work environment? Do they feel they are not given adequate instruction or feedback? Or is it that these individuals feel they need more offered to them from their employer? Whatever the underlying reasons may be the fact remains that many companies have to deal with the loss of employees on a regular basis. What can employers do to help minimize turnover and improve employee retention.

The sample size is taken as 25. The questionnaire is prepared according to the parameters like human resource planning & cost effectiveness. The questionnaire is distributed among the employees of IVRCL INFRA & PROJECTS and based on the obtained data, conclusions, suggestions and recommendations are drawn.

Every company in the market tries to retain its employees. At of IVRCL INFRA & PROJECTS, this process is taken up by the payroll & man power planning department where the employees are made understood what the company is ready to do to retain them. A detail negotiation is done and the employee understands that how important is he to the company.


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Dr. Mohammed Shafiuddin
Dr. Prem kumar Arul
“Employee Retention-A Study in IVRCL”, Soc. sci. humanities j., vol. 3, no. 11, pp. 1622–1633, Nov. 2019, Accessed: Jan. 18, 2025. [Online]. Available: https://sshjournal.com/index.php/sshj/article/view/483
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