Latest- Relationship between Principals’ Technology Leadership and Teacher’s Technology Use in Secondary Schools

Zunaidah Yahya (1) , Arumugam Raman (2)
(1) School of Education and Modern Languages University Utara Malaysia, Malaysia , Malaysia
(2) School of Education and Modern Languages University Utara Malaysia, Malaysia , Malaysia


The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship between leadership behaviour and computer use and management and teaching operations in schools. Researchers want to look at technology leadership for measuring the NETS-A international standard system (ISTE, 2014) and the impact of technology achievement in these schools.

Methodology- A systematic random sampling was conducted to select 74 principals and 374 teachers from 74 schools from the National Secondary School in Kedah in this cross-sectional survey. The Principal Technology Leadership Assessment (PTLA) is based on the National Education Technology Standards-Administrator, NETS-A (2009). The technology leadership questionnaire contains 65 Likert-scale items used to obtain information about the involvement of principals in their work.

Findings- The results of the study show that the overall leadership skills of the principals based on the five standards in the NETS-A are high based on the findings of mean analysis and standard deviation but showed moderate achievement in each field of TTU teacher study. The SMART-PLS analysis also indicated that the gender, age, and experience of the principal were not moderators because the results were not significant. Simple Linear regression was used to identify the principal technological leadership relationship with teacher computer use and the results were not significant.

Significance-Principals as technology leaders need to facilitate and enhance ICT integration as ICT contributions have been shown to be key factors for increasing productivity, promoting economic growth, and reducing poverty in a country.

Keywords: Technology, Technology leadership, NETS-A Standards


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Zunaidah Yahya
Arumugam Raman
“Latest- Relationship between Principals’ Technology Leadership and Teacher’s Technology Use in Secondary Schools”, Soc. sci. humanities j., vol. 4, no. 03, pp. 1797–1814, Mar. 2020, Accessed: Feb. 23, 2025. [Online]. Available:
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