A Using Pictures to Increase Interest for Students in Speaking Lessons at a Vietnamese University

Hue Duong Thi Kim (1) , Huyen Hoang Thi Thanh (2)
(1) Faculty of Foreign Languages, Hanoi University of Industry, Vietnam , Viet Nam
(2) Faculty of Foreign Languages, Hanoi University of Industry, Vietnam , Viet Nam


In teaching and learning English, speaking skill is probably a top priority. Therefore, teachers always strive to find methods, materials, and tools to help learners practice and improve their speaking ability. Bowen's (1982) study has shown that the process of language acquisition is a complex process, in which visual aids play an important role in promoting language learning. Using visual tools in general and images in particular in teaching English speaking skill so far has attracted attention not only of educators but also learners. Therefore, the authors of the article study the role of images in English speaking lessons and the influence on learners' interests through previous studies. Moreover, this study suggests some activities using images to apply in speaking lessons to create excitement for learners


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Hue Duong Thi Kim
Huyen Hoang Thi Thanh
“A Using Pictures to Increase Interest for Students in Speaking Lessons at a Vietnamese University”, Soc. sci. humanities j., vol. 4, no. 03, pp. 1815–1819, Mar. 2020, Accessed: Feb. 23, 2025. [Online]. Available: https://sshjournal.com/index.php/sshj/article/view/533
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