Implementing Change in Adversity

Paul Andrew Bourne (1) , Nicola Brown (2) , Sharon Golding (3) , Heather Smith-Sherwood (4)
(1) Department of Graduate Education & Leadership, Northern Caribbean University, Mandeville, Manchester, Jamaica, W I , Jamaica
(2) Department of Graduate Education & Leadership, Northern Caribbean University, Mandeville, Manchester, Jamaica, W I , Jamaica
(3) Department of Graduate Education & Leadership, Northern Caribbean University, Mandeville, Manchester, Jamaica, W I , Jamaica
(4) Department of Graduate Education & Leadership, Northern Caribbean University, Mandeville, Manchester, Jamaica, W I , Jamaica


Implementing change in any organization can be a challenging experience for leaders (Higgins & Bourne, 2018; Covey, 1989; Armstrong, 1982; Kotter, & Schleisinger, 2008; Lawrence, 1969). People are usually wary of change and this is manifested in increased tension, resistance, anger and emotional stress because of the unknown that change bring (Lewin, 1952; Zand, & Sorensen, 1975). In fact, Lawrence (1969) postulated that one of the most concerning challenging business executives’ face is the reluctance of their employees to adapt to change in the work place. This can be seen in high resignation increases, frequent disagreements and low productivity.


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Paul Andrew Bourne
Nicola Brown
Sharon Golding
Heather Smith-Sherwood
“Implementing Change in Adversity”, Soc. sci. humanities j., vol. 4, no. 04, pp. 1850–1859, Apr. 2020, Accessed: Feb. 23, 2025. [Online]. Available:
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