Impact of Socio Demographic, Social Capital and Human Capital to Job Opportunity and Community Satisfaction Wellbeing Case Study of North Bali Province Indonesia

Tjokorda Gde Indraputra, Djinar Setiawina, Sujana Budhiasa, Mahaendra Yasa (1)
(1) Doctor Candidate of Economics, Udayana University, Bali, Indonesia , Indonesia


The social capital and human capital have been growing important to community development in rural sector.  Moreover, socio demographic is relatively abundance in emerging countries that occupied in rural sector. To be expand, social capital can be significant factor as determinant for making income generating resources in rural sector integrated by human capital to improve satisfaction wellbeing of the community. 

We develop model integration of social capital and human capital as instruments to have information available of job opportunity and its potentially impact to satisfaction wellbeing of community in rural sector as focused in the case of rural sector in Indonesia.  The results have found that social capital took a significant role in rural sector. The social capital and human capital have significant link strong impact to have a look more job opportunity. Social capital and human capital almost figured as mediator latent variable in connecting social demographic as main sources to create job opportunity and positively impact to satisfaction wellbeing of the rural community in Bali, Indonesia


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Tjokorda Gde Indraputra, Djinar Setiawina, Sujana Budhiasa, Mahaendra Yasa
“Impact of Socio Demographic, Social Capital and Human Capital to Job Opportunity and Community Satisfaction Wellbeing Case Study of North Bali Province Indonesia”, Soc. sci. humanities j., vol. 1, no. 07, pp. 410–425, Dec. 2017, Accessed: Feb. 23, 2025. [Online]. Available:
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