The role of culture in developing controlling and auditing procedures in combating economic crimes: Literature Review

Hakeem Hammood Flayyih (1)
(1) Al-Mustansiriyah Center for Arab and International Studies, Mustansiriyah University, Iraq , Iraq


The accounting culture is the lifeblood of any economic institution or company through its registration and tabulation of the financial operations of various institutions and companies in a way that ensures these companies achieve their goals and whatever those goals are, since our present era is the time of technological and informational development. Follow-up procedures should be developed for the delivery and transmission of information in general and economic and financial information in particular.

Companies have become directing their interests towards developing and updating accounting procedures and in various sectors and in a manner consistent with the evolving accounting culture, so this accounting development has become a preoccupation for all companies and financial institutions, for the purpose of achieving the stated goals.

With the developments that the world witnessed in general and economic development in particular, the phenomenon of economic and financial crimes has grown, which is one of the most dangerous and most widespread crimes at the national and global levels, as it is considered a deadly epidemic that violates the national and global economy.

This development in economic and financial crimes and the extent of their danger to the global economy drew the attention of regional and global countries to stand in the face of these crimes and combat them. A number of international agreements have been concluded for the purpose of combating these crimes, which are implemented by people or gangs of organized crime in different countries of the world. The several of these agreements include general coordination between the international and international intelligence services concerned with combating and combating economic and financial crimes.

Hence, censorship was considered one of the important ways and means to combat economic crimes and it stands against all abnormal forms. It is a true immune program in confronting the various forms of fraud that seriously harm the basic foundations of society.


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Hakeem Hammood Flayyih
“The role of culture in developing controlling and auditing procedures in combating economic crimes: Literature Review”, Soc. sci. humanities j., vol. 4, no. 06, pp. 1954–1959, Jun. 2020, Accessed: Jan. 22, 2025. [Online]. Available:
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