Radio Empowerment Effect

Leila Mona (1) , Badar Haryono (2) , Noviari Harman Dipodiwirjo (3)
(1) Mercu Buana University, Indonesia , Indonesia
(2) Mercu Buana University, Indonesia , Indonesia
(3) Electronic Data Interchange Indonesia, Indonesia , Indonesia


Radio plays an important role in society. As a private broadcasting institution, Rasil or Radio Silaturahim, that should be funded from advertising broadcast and/or other legitimate business relating to broadcasting operations, but the management decided not to earn funds from advertising broadcast. They are funded by individuals and communities. The radio also educates and be active in many community empowerments, that expected to give effect to listeners by on-air and off-air activities. The objectives of this research. The first objective is to find out what kind of empowerment does Radio Silaturahim does. The second objective is to explore the advantage or effect of Radio Silaturahim to its community, especially related to cognitive, affective, and behavioral/conative. The research uses a qualitative approach. The primary data using specific techniques in-depth interviews, participant observation in off-air occasions, and collecting a written statement from the listeners about the effect of being a listener. The result is that the radio tagline “For United Islam” and the motivation for “Da’wah warrior’, are positive to motivate listeners and community where the Radio Silaturahim activities held.  In return, the listeners and their community are voluntarily participating, contributing, and even creating various programs for the benefit of their own or others. Radio Silaturahim has cognitive, emotional, and behavioral effects for the listeners. Listeners get more knowledge and understanding, feel meaningful with him or herself, and be more productive and active to make a difference in society


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Leila Mona
Badar Haryono
Noviari Harman Dipodiwirjo
“Radio Empowerment Effect”, Soc. sci. humanities j., vol. 5, no. 01, pp. 2070–2082, Jan. 2021, Accessed: Feb. 22, 2025. [Online]. Available:
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