Implementation of the supply chain management strategy and its impact on organizational performance: An analytical study of public service organizations in Iraq - Ministry of Health is modelled

Dr Muna Haider Abdul Jabbar Altaai (1)
(1) Assistant professor College of education for women, University of Baghdad, Iraq , Iraq


The strategy of Supply Chain Management (SCM) has received increasing attention from researchers and scholars in the areas of service management and processing in organizations in general, especially general, and although most studies have focused on the content of their applications in private organizations, their role is no less important in public organizations. As a gateway to efficiency and effectiveness in the dynamics of these organizations, practices have emerged that have become defining standards for their operations by which the efficiency of organizational performance and quality of services are determined, hence the need to study this strategy and identify key applications to be adhered to by the departments of public service organizations. The process of deepening a strategic study ((SCM) and its applications are of varying dimensions and complexity as a result of its significant impact on the organizational performance of various organizations' activities and processes  )BovAird & Loffler, 2016:45). The problem of the weakness and inefficiency of supply chain management in public service organizations is one of the main problems experienced by most service organizations in developing countries, especially Iraq after the political, economic and social transformations and changes that it is exposed to, and despite the developments in the areas of public supply systems in the advanced countries and some of the developing countries, our public organizations are still managed according to the traditional methods that lack the most basic requirements for effective supply. This study aims to shed light on the reality of (SCM) strategy applications in public service organizations and to identify the extent to which public organizations departments understand the importance of adhering to them and their impact on the quality of organizational performance from the point of view of the study sample that was deliberately, intentionally and included (100) people working in contract and supply departments at the Ministry of Health, one of the most important results reached was the limited awareness of the importance and seriousness of the role that the supply chain strategy plays in enhancing the capacity and organizational performance of the general organization from the point of view of the sample members, the most important recommendations are to emphasize the importance of developing specific decrees and laws for the work of public supply chains with the concepts of controlling the country's public financial management, to restrict contraventions and surpluses that occur in the operations of healthcare supply chain organizations.


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Dr Muna Haider Abdul Jabbar Altaai
“Implementation of the supply chain management strategy and its impact on organizational performance: An analytical study of public service organizations in Iraq - Ministry of Health is modelled”, Soc. sci. humanities j., vol. 5, no. 01, pp. 2052–2069, Jan. 2021, Accessed: Jan. 22, 2025. [Online]. Available:
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