Investigating the Interplay between Teachers’ Beliefs and Practice in Reading Strategy Use: A Case of Bahir Dar Town Secondary Schools EFL Teachers

Behailu Atinafu (1)
(1) Department of English Language and Literature,Faculty of Humanities Bahir Dar University Ethiopia , Ethiopia


The study aims to explore the status of Bahir Dar town EFL teachers’ reading strategy use and reading instruction while teaching reading. In relation to this, teachers’ perception towards strategy training and their classroom practices were investigated. All English teachers of eight secondary schools in Bahir Dar that amount a total of 45, and 256 grades 9 and 10 students were taken as participants of the study. The students were randomly selected from those aforementioned schools. Questionnaire and classroom observation were used as data gathering instruments. Both quantitative and qualitative data analysis methods were employed.  The statistical data analysis was descriptive and inferential. Accordingly, Percentage and mean scores were used to describe the frequency of occurrence of each item. One sample t-test was computed to see if the difference between the mean scores were statistically significant. To compare the EFL teachers' classroom practice between the private and government secondary schools, independent sample t-test was employed. Data obtained from the classroom observation was also qualitatively analyzed. It was found that teachers tend to believe that promoting reading strategy training is crucial in empowering learners to become efficient readers, but they do not train their students to use the strategies properly. Relatively speaking, teachers try to use few pre-reading strategies; however, most of the while-reading and post-reading strategies are not appeared to be employed. Though it was not statistically significant, the practice of teachers working at government schools had slightly higher mean score(128.20) in helping their students use reading strategies than teachers working at private schools(124.63).Finally, some recommendations were made based on the findings.


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Behailu Atinafu
“Investigating the Interplay between Teachers’ Beliefs and Practice in Reading Strategy Use: A Case of Bahir Dar Town Secondary Schools EFL Teachers”, Soc. sci. humanities j., vol. 2, no. 01, pp. 284–293, Jan. 2018, Accessed: Feb. 23, 2025. [Online]. Available:
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