Causes and Consequences of Farmers and Herdsmen Conflict in Fika Local Government, Yobe State, Nigeria

Mohammed A.N.A. Imam (1) , Mohammed Ali (2)
(1) Department of Sociology, Yobe State University, Damaturu, Nigeria , Nigeria
(2) Department of Sociology, Yobe State University, Damaturu, Nigeria , Nigeria


The research focused on causes and consequences of conflict between farmers and herdsmen conflict in Fika local government area of Yobe state which become very endemic phenomenon. The main objective of this research is to explore the causes and consequences of conflict between farmers and herdsmen in the area. Conflict is a global phenomenon as well as social problem that destruct the lives, properties and human social relations. Farmers and herdsmen conflict is prevailing acts which hindered the development process in human society. Both primary and secondary data were used as the source of data. The findings of the study revealed that the remote causes of the conflict were poor land tenure system, perceived antagonism among the farmers and herdsmen information gap. Also it’s revealed that gun, and arrow, knife and sphere were the weapons used to attack opposition party. The findings also have shown that the community leader’s intervention as problem solvers are needed. Hence the study recommend that enlighten both parties to understand the damages they are causing to the economy and environment is affecting local and national development programs. Also wide grazing spaces should be provided to herdsmen, as well as zero tolerance measures should be adopted.


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Mohammed A.N.A. Imam
Mohammed Ali
“Causes and Consequences of Farmers and Herdsmen Conflict in Fika Local Government, Yobe State, Nigeria”, Soc. sci. humanities j., vol. 5, no. 05, pp. 2257–2265, May 2021, Accessed: Feb. 23, 2025. [Online]. Available:
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