Influence of Childhood on the Dynamic Balance in 2nd Cycle Students of Portuguese Elementary School

Gustavo Desouzart, Sandra Gagulic (1)
(1) RECI – Piaget Institute, Portugal / CIS-IPiaget – Piaget Institute of Viseu, Portugal , Portugal


Obesity is a chronic disease characterized by the breakdown of balancer synergies in the muscle and joints, which may lead to decreased stability and postural adaptations. Objective: The main objective was compare children with body mass index (BMI) above ideal with ideal and to understand the relationship between BMI and balance in 2nd cycle students. The sample of 20 students aged between 10 and 11 years. Methods: The collection methods used were the BMI and Star Excursion Balance Test (SEBT) to cross the results of these two variables and to understand their relationship Results: 55% of the children had a BMI above the ideal, being 30% were overweight and 25% were obese. Of the children above the ideal BMI, 81.8% are female (54.5% overweight and 27.3% obese). Subjecting the population to SEBT, it was observed that children with BMI above ideal and with a dysmetria the amplitudes obtained in SEBT by both lower limbs mainly reveal present balance alterations. Conclusions: Due to the anthropometric changes caused by obesity and changes in the center of gravity, this conduction modifies the motor pattern and stabilization, which negatively influences postural control and reduces the balance of obese individuals.


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Gustavo Desouzart, Sandra Gagulic
“Influence of Childhood on the Dynamic Balance in 2nd Cycle Students of Portuguese Elementary School”, Soc. sci. humanities j., vol. 2, no. 01, pp. 294–300, Jan. 2018, Accessed: Feb. 23, 2025. [Online]. Available:
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