Cyber-attacks and Cyber Security Readiness: Iraqi Private Banks Case

Mohammed Faez Hasan (1) , Noor Salah Al-Ramadan (2)
(1) Asst. Professor, Department of Finance and Banking Sciences, Kerbala University, Iraq , Iraq
(2) Senior Lecturer, Department of Finance and Banking Sciences, Kerbala University, Iraq , Iraq


With the development of informational technology, criminals are using various cyberspaces to improve cyber-crime. Risk and cyber-attacks have developed into a major area of concern. As there has been a humongous increase in cyber-attacks, those attacks cause a series of damage to the critical banking process and caused huge financial losses to the system. To moderate cyber-crime and the cyber threat, financial industries seek to implement artificial intelligence and other cybersecurity to improve customer experiences and the banking process's efficiency. Thus, the current study came to assess and test the Iraqi banking experience with cyberattacks by unveiling the cybersecurity systems reaction towards the cyberattacks and whether the cyberattack promotes the intersystem of banks and motivates them to increase their precautions to save bank's databases and servers against violation. The study uses the questionnaire as a key tool to collect respondents' data on how to suffer from cyberattacks two years ago at least. The significant finding was that Iraqi private banks maintain a specific level of security regardless if there is a fierce attack or not. However, some respondents are still cautious while using online banking services due to the low security of public access to internet services in Iraq.


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Mohammed Faez Hasan
Noor Salah Al-Ramadan
Author Biography

Mohammed Faez Hasan, Asst. Professor, Department of Finance and Banking Sciences, Kerbala University, Iraq

A well-motivated university senior lecturer with over 10 years of experience in academic activities. Teaching Finance and related materials in Finance and Banking Dept. at Karbala University. I have conducted studies in Finance. My research interests are financial markets, portfolio management, and investments. Supervisor of more graduate projects. Acting as a reviewer for several local and global scientific journals and conferences.

“Cyber-attacks and Cyber Security Readiness: Iraqi Private Banks Case”, Soc. sci. humanities j., vol. 5, no. 08, pp. 2312–2323, Aug. 2021, Accessed: Feb. 23, 2025. [Online]. Available:
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