The role of information sharing in supply chain performance (An empirical study on Chinese Tropical Fruits and vegetable industry)
The paper aims to investigate the role of information sharing in supply chain performance in China. Data were collected through a structured questionnaire and was analyzed b using SmartPLS software. The results of the analysis showed that the hypothesized relationship was supported, meaning that information sharing has a significant impact on supply chain performance.
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Iacovou, C. L., Benbasat, I., & Dexter, A. S. (1995). Electronic data interchange and small organizations: adoption and impact of technology. MIS Quarterly, 465‐85.
Ibrahim, A. R., Zolait, A. H., & Veera, P. S. (2010). Supply Chain Management Practices and Firm Performance: An Empirical Study of the Electronics Industry in Malaysia. International
Ismail Al-Alawi, A., Yousif Al-Marzooqi, N., & Fraidoon Mohammed, Y. (2007). Organizational culture and knowledge sharing: critical success factors. Journal of knowledge management, 11(2), 22-42.
Izam Ibrahim, K., Costello, S. B., & Wilkinson, S. (2013). Key practice indicators of team integration in construction projects: a review. Team Performance Management: An International Journal, 19(3/4), 132-152.
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Janney, J. J., & Dess, G. G. (2006). The risk concept for entrepreneurs reconsidered: New challenges to the conventional wisdom. Journal of Business Venturing, 21(3), 385-400.
Jarratt, D., & O‘Neill, G. (2002). The effect of organisational culture on business-to- business relationship management practice and performance. Australasian Marketing Journal, 10(3), 21-40.
Jarrell, J. L. (1998). Supply chain economics. World Trade, 11(11), 58-61.
Jayaram, & Tan, K.-C. (2010). Supply chain integration with third-party logistics providers.
Jayaram, Vickery, S., & Droge, C. (2008). Relationship building, lean strategy and firm performance: an exploratory study in the automotive supplier industry. International Journal of Production Research, 46(20), 5633-5649.
Jean, R. J. B., Sinkovics, R. R., & Kim, D. (2010). Drivers and performance outcomes of relationship learning for suppliers in cross-border customer- supplier relationships: The role of communication culture. Journal of International Marketing, 18(1), 63-85.
Jharkharia,S.and Shankar,R. 2007, “Selection of logistics service provider:an analytic network process (ANP)approach.”Omega, 35(3):274-289.
Jia Shuzhen. Study on the selection of fruit logistics models in Kasheppe County [d]. Xinjiang Agricultural University, 2016.
Jia, F., & Zsidisin, G. A. (2014). Supply relational risk: what role does guanxi play?
Jiang, B., Baker, R.C. & Frazier, G.V. (2009). An analysis of job dissatisfaction and turnover to reduce global supply chain risk: evidence from China. Journal of Operations Management, 27(2), 169-184.
Jin Su & Vidyaranya B. G., (2012). Strategic sourcing, sourcing capability and firm performance in the US textile and apparel industry. Strategic Outsourcing: An International Journal, 5(2), 145 – 165.
Jin Wei, Hou Yuanyuan. Construction of omni-channel retail model of Hainan brand agricultural products[J].Tropical Agricultural Sciences.2017.37(6):1-4.
Jin Yan, Xu Leilei, Lu Kun. Analysis of Effective Supply of Tropical Fruits in Hainan[J]Chinese journal of tropical agriculture.2018.38(04):128-132
Jin, Y., & Edmunds, P. (2015). Achieving a competitive supply chain network for a manufacturer: a resource-based approach. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 26(5).
Jobber, D. (1998). An examination of the effects of questionnaire factors in response to an industrial mail survey. International Journal of Research in Marketing 6(2), 129-135.
Johnson, & Kaplan. (1987). Relevance Lost: The Rise and Fall of Management Accounting.
Johnson, & Wichern. (1998). Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis.: Prentice-Hall International Inc., USA.
Johnson, M. E., & Davis, T. (1998). Improving supply chain performance by using order fulfillment metrics. National Productivity Review 17(3), 3-16.
Johnson,G and.Hofman,P.2004, “Agri-product Supply-chain Management in Developing Countries”.ACIAR Proceedings, 119(3):110-123.
Johnston, J., & DiNardo, J. (1997). Econometric Methods (4 ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill Companies.
Joiner, T. A., Spencer, X. S. Y., & Salmon, S. (2009). The effectiveness of flexible manufacturing strategies: The mediating role of performance measurement systems. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management and Performance Management, 58(2), 119-135.
Jokar, M. R. A., & Sajadieh, M. S. (2008). Determining optimal number of suppliers in a multiple sourcing model under stochastic lead times. Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 2(1), 16-27.
Jomo, K. S. (Ed.). (2007). Malaysian Industrial Policy. Singapore: National University of Singapore.
Jones, C. (1998). Moving beyond ERP: making the missing link. Logistics Focus, 6(7), 2-7.
Jones, LoPresti, Naphtali, & Whitney. (1999). SPSS for Microsoft Windows. Melbourne: John Wiley & Sons Australia.
Jonsson, P., Rudberg, M., & Holmberg, S. (2013). Centralised supply chain planning at IKEA. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 18(3), 337- 350.
Jraisat, L. E. (2011). A perspective for supply chain management: building a conceptual framework. International Journal of Business Science and Applied Management, 6(3), 1-14.
Jutter, U., & Maklan, S. (2011). Supply chain resilience in the global financial crisis: an empirical study. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 16(4), 246-259.
Juttner, U. (2005). Supply chain risk management-Understanding the business requirements from a practitioner perspective. The International Journal of Logistics Management, 16(1), 120-141.
Kaiser, H. F. (1974). An index of factorial simplicity. Psychometrika, 39(1), 31-36. Kale, S. (2013). Production and Operations Management. McGraw-Hill Education.
Kale, S. H., & Barnes, J. W. (1992). Understanding the domain of cross-national buyer-seller interactions. Journal of international business studies, 101-132.
Kaleka, A. (2002). Resources and capabilities driving competitive advantage in export markets: guidelines for industrial exporters. Industrial Marketing Management, 31(3), 273-283.
Kannan, V. R., & Tan, K. C. (2010). Supply Chain Integration: Cluster Analysis of the Impact of Span of Integration. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 15(3), 207- 215.
Kannegiesser, M., &Günther, H. O. (2014). Sustainable development of global supply chains—part 1: sustainability optimization framework. Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, 26(1-2), 24-47.
Kanso, A. (2000). Mail Survey: Key factors effecting response rates. Journal of Promotion Management, 5(2), 3-16.
Kaplan, R., & Norton, D. (1992). The balanced scorecard: Measures that drive performance.
Kaplan, R., & Norton, D. (1996). Using the balanced scorecard as a strategic management system. Harvard Business Review, 74(1), 75-85.
Kari Tanskanen, (2015). Who wins in a complex buyer-supplier relationship? A social exchange theory based dyadic study. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 35(4), 577 – 603.
Kasul, R. A., & Motwani, J. G. (1995). Performance measurements in world-class operations: a strategic model. Benchmarking for Quality Management 2(2), 20-36.
Kaur, J., & Rashid, N. D. N. (2008 ). Malaysian Electronic Government Adoption Barriers.
Kayakutlu, G., & Buyukozkan, G. (2010). Effective supply value chain based on competence success. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 15(2), 129-138.
Kembro, J. H., & Selviaridis, K. (2015). Exploring information sharing in the extended supply chain: an interdependence perspective. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 20(4).
Kerlinger, F. (1973). Foundations of Behavioural Research, 2nd ed., . NY.: Holt Rinehart and Winston, Inc.
Ketchen, D. J., & Hult, G. T. M. (2007). Bridging organization theory and supply chain management: The case of best value supply chains. Journal of Operations Management, 25(2), 573-580.
Ketchen, J. R., & Hult, G. T. M. (2007). Bridging organization theory and supply chain management: The case of best value supply chains. Journal of Operations Management, 25, 573-580.
Kettunen, O. (2013). A network wide transaction cost theory approach in subcontracting industry: An agenda for empirical research. In The 24th Annual POMS Conference.
“The role of information sharing in supply chain performance (An empirical study on Chinese Tropical Fruits and vegetable industry)”, Soc. sci. humanities j., vol. 5, no. 08, pp. 2312–2325, Aug. 2021, Accessed: Mar. 06, 2025. [Online]. Available:
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