Human Factors in Influencing the Decision to Adopt Cloud Computing by Small and Medium Enterprises in Uganda

Kehinde Kenny Onayemi (1)
(1) a:1:{s:5:"en_US";s:17:"Nkumba University";} , Nigeria


Introduction: Cloud computing in SMEs in developing countries has been at a very slow pace with one of the main contributors towards this phenomenon being human factors.

Aim: the aim of the study is to assess the effect of human factors in influencing the decision to adopt cloud computing by Small and Medium Enterprises in Uganda.

Method: The research design for this study was descriptive and explanatory-quantitative. The motivation for a descriptive research design was to permit measurement of the extent of the decision to adopt cloud computing. A sample of 416 employees was selected from a total of 379257 from 1000 documented tax complaint SMEs in Uganda.

Results: The odds ratio indicates that the odds of being iata a higher level on cloud computing adoption increases by a factor of 0.687 for every one-unit increase on human factors. Given the odds ratio is < 1, this indicates a decreasing probability of being at a higher level on cloud computing adoption as values increase on human factors. Data analysis shows that when a Spearman's rank correlation was run to determine the relationship between human factors and cloud computing adoption, there is a very weak, negative monotonic correlation between human factors and cloud computing adoption decision (rs = -.059, n = 307, p>.001).

Conclusions: The study concluded that decision-makers in an organization or business are a critical and fundamental factor in the decision of cloud computing adoption based on their innovativeness and cloud computing knowledge.

Keywords: Human factors, Cloud Computing Adoption decision, SMEs, Innovativeness, Cloud Knowledge


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Kehinde Kenny Onayemi
“Human Factors in Influencing the Decision to Adopt Cloud Computing by Small and Medium Enterprises in Uganda”, Soc. sci. humanities j., vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 2551–2564, Feb. 2022, Accessed: Mar. 06, 2025. [Online]. Available:
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