Financial globalization and its impact on the efficiency of accounting work: a case study
In the last decade in particular, the accounting system has moved towards computerization at an accelerating rate, however, it has retained the sequence of steps and procedures, and with the advantages that computerization has achieved for the accounting information system, but it has led to weakness in some citizens that we will mention later, which required an increase in control procedures. The researcher concludes as the correlation coefficient was 0.561 at the significance level less than 0.05, and the coefficient of determination was 0.315, meaning that the value of the test F = 64.300 indicates the acceptance of the research hypothesis and therefore there is a strong impact of financial globalization on accounting
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12.Mohsen Ahmed Al-Khudairi,Invasive Globalization, The ArabNile Group, Cairo.13.Muhammad Ahmad Al-Hudayri,Globalization, Introduction toThought, Economy and Managementin the Era of the State, Cairo, ArabNile Group, Edition 1, 2000.
14.Omran, W. (2015). Marketing ofBanking Services in Iraq (Doctoraldissertation, Eastern MediterraneanUniversity (EMU)-Doğu AkdenizÜniversitesi (DAÜ)).15.Tariq Abdel-Raouf, (2011). General,Globalization: Its Concept -Objectives - Characteristics, Journalof the Faculty of Education, AinShams, 54.
2.AhmadMunir Najjar, The Problematic of the Tax Dimension in E-Commerce: An Economic Intellectual Luxury or a Practical Comparison Applicable to the Arab World, The Third Annual Scientific Conference of the College of Administrative and Financial Sciences, Informatics Knowledge and Electronic Management, Philadelphia University - Amman - April 2002.
3.Ahmed Helmy Gomaa and AtallahKhalil, Auditing Standards andInformation Technology: CurrentDevelopments, Second AnnualScientific Conference of the Facultyof Economics and AdministrativeSciences, Information Technologyand its Role in EconomicDevelopment, Al-ZaytoonahUniversity - Amman - May 2002.
4.Ahmed Hussein Abdel Moneim,Developing the concept andstandards of professionalperformance of internal auditing inlight of the information technologyenvironment, the second annualscientific conference of the Facultyof Economics and AdministrativeSciences, information technologyand its role in economicdevelopment, Al-ZaytoonahUniversity - Amman - May 2002.
5.Al-Naqeeb, Kamal Abdel Aziz, 2004"The Contemporary Introduction tothe Science of Financial Accounting First Edition, Wael Publishing House: (Jordan).
6.Al-Shirazi, Abbas Mahdi, 1990 “TheTheory of Accounting”, first edition,with Al Salasil for printing,publishing and distribution: Kuwait.Hanan7.Buthaina Hassanein Ammar,Globalization and the Challenges ofthe Age and its Reflection onEgyptian Society, Cairo, Dar Al-Amin Publishing, Volume 1, 2000.
8.Hussam El-Din Khadash and WalidZakaria Siam, The extent to whichJordanian auditors accept the use ofinformation technology in auditing,the second annual scientificconference of the Faculty ofEconomics and AdministrativeSciences, information technologyand its role in economicdevelopment, Al-ZaytoonahUniversity - Amman - May 2002.
9.HUSSEIN, M. K., & KAMMOUN,R. (2022). The impact of humancapital on the dimensions oforganization innovation bymediating the orientation of learning.10.Hussein, M. K., Kammoun, R., &Hasan, M. A. (2021). The Impact(Influence) of Human CapitalDimensions on OrganizationalInnovation Through LearningOrientation: in the General Companyfor Electrical and ElectronicIndustries in Baghdad (Evidence from Iraqis Industries). Journal of Positive Psychology and Wellbeing, 5(4), 218-232.
11.Inaam Mohsen Hassan, The Impactof Communication Obstaclesbetween Accounting Units andComputer Units on the Capacity ofAccounting Information Systems,The Third Annual ScientificConference of the College ofAdministrative and FinancialSciences, Informatics Knowledgeand Electronic Management,Philadelphia University - Amman -April 2002.
12.Mohsen Ahmed Al-Khudairi,Invasive Globalization, The ArabNile Group, Cairo.13.Muhammad Ahmad Al-Hudayri,Globalization, Introduction toThought, Economy and Managementin the Era of the State, Cairo, ArabNile Group, Edition 1, 2000.
14.Omran, W. (2015). Marketing ofBanking Services in Iraq (Doctoraldissertation, Eastern MediterraneanUniversity (EMU)-Doğu AkdenizÜniversitesi (DAÜ)).15.Tariq Abdel-Raouf, (2011). General,Globalization: Its Concept -Objectives - Characteristics, Journalof the Faculty of Education, AinShams, 54.
“Financial globalization and its impact on the efficiency of accounting work: a case study”, Soc. sci. humanities j., vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 2658–2669, Apr. 2022, Accessed: Feb. 23, 2025. [Online]. Available:
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