The impact of political marketing on professionals marketing: a field study in the Iraqi parliament

Mustafa Shamil Hussein, Dr.Sadoun Hamoud Jathir Al-Rubaie (1)
(1) College of Administration and Economic, University of Baghdad, IRAQ , Iraq


The study's objective is to examine the relationship and influence of political marketing and people marketing for Iraqi Parliament candidates. The main research problem is represented by an important question (Is political marketing having an effect on marketing professionals), and two main hypotheses of correlation and influence are developed to clarify the relationship between the research variables. The second is that political marketing has a statistically significant effect on marketing people in its dimensions. The questionnaire was chosen as the primary tool for data collection and analysis, and it was subjected to validity and reliability tests because the sample included (345) people from the (3225) candidates for the Iraqi Council of Representatives. The statistical program (SPSS V. 24) (Excel) is used to analyze the given data. Statistical methods used in the analysis include (arithmetic mean, frequencies, coefficient of variation, standard deviation, relative importance index, Pearson correlation coefficient, multiple linear regression). The authors came to some important conclusions, according to the obtained results, are those concerning the effect of political marketing and people marketing in which the effect of the sub-variables leads to a greater influence of personal characteristics, political background, credibility, communication, and campaign management with people marketing activities than the rest of the people marketing variables, and this result implies that the candidates are based on personal traits through their possession of a leadership personality, enjoyment of a decent external appearance, ability to communicate, debate, and reliance on political background through enjoyment of candidacy's political history, possession of a political standing, and possession of a political program that brings happiness to voters. The most important recommendations are to increase marketing campaigns and benefit from marketing expertise in collaboration with the union or party to which the candidate belongs, to deliver an image to voters that matches the candidate's potentials, and to hold periodic workshops and seminars to clarify the party's concept and electoral projects and programs.


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Mustafa Shamil Hussein, Dr.Sadoun Hamoud Jathir Al-Rubaie
“The impact of political marketing on professionals marketing: a field study in the Iraqi parliament”, Soc. sci. humanities j., vol. 6, no. 5, pp. 2736–2353, May 2022, Accessed: Jan. 22, 2025. [Online]. Available:
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