Philosophical Analysis of the Concept of Cultural Relativism

Dr. Asha Nimali Fernando (1)
(1) Senior Lecturer, Department of Philosophy and Psychology University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka , Sri Lanka


New findings of Social Anthropologists also have immensely contributed for contemporary concept of relativism. They have employed new scientific research methods to gather data related to the different cultures in many parts of the world. Ethnographic data gathered by them are often cited to establish that there are substantial differences in the beliefs, practice, and worldviews of different cultures. This insight leads to substantiate the concept of cultural relativism in the intellectual circles. There is a huge debate within the philosophy of culture that culture is a relative to the society or group of the people in particular geographical area or culture is an absolute concept in all society. This debate makes a controversial argument within the cultural anthropology as well. This research paper will investigate the philosophical ideology behind the concept of cultural relativism. This is an attempt to make philosophical clarification an understanding of cultural relativism within the modern philosophy and cultural anthropological thoughts. The methodology of this study will be analysis of different ideology of cultural relativism; therefore, this involves comparison and contextual analysis. It is concluded that the development of social anthropology has made significant changes within the field of relativism in contemporary thought. The concept of cultural relativism, it has to be emphasized, has made substantial impression in the compass of relativism.  


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Dr. Asha Nimali Fernando
“Philosophical Analysis of the Concept of Cultural Relativism”, Soc. sci. humanities j., vol. 6, no. 6, pp. 2802–2808, Jul. 2022, Accessed: Feb. 23, 2025. [Online]. Available:
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