Morality : A step towards Identity formation during adolescence

GUNJAN VERMA, Dr. Jayanti Dutta (1)
(1) a:1:{s:5:"en_US";s:19:"UNIVERSITY OF DELHI";} , India


This paper aims to review the literature on morality; study and find out the important factors influencing the morality in early adolescence ; Early adolescence is a stage which is described as the period of life, typically occurring between the ages 10- 15 years, in which youth undergoes a rapid physical, cognitive, and social transformation. Early adolescence has been viewed as a period tremendous upheaval, or “storm and stress” for children. Moral development has been conceived of as the increase in such internalization of basic cultural rules. Morals has been considered as the set of virtues , ideals and values, sanctioned by society which becomes an integral part of individual self through the process of development . Morality is concerned with adhering to “manners” and “approved conduct” by an individual. Adolescents at this particular age have a need for the guidance of good values to build up their character and to groom up their personality;   parents play a dominating role in shaping the morality of adolescents of this particular age group; The perspective of good and bad, right and wrong , are primarily imbibed through the adolescent’s parents. Peers also play an important role in grooming up their wellbeing. This paper aims to study and find out the important factors influencing the morality in early adolescence and how the present moral beliefs and values influence their moral behavior.



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GUNJAN VERMA, Dr. Jayanti Dutta
“ Morality : A step towards Identity formation during adolescence”, Soc. sci. humanities j., vol. 6, no. 10, pp. 2928–2935, Oct. 2022, Accessed: Jan. 22, 2025. [Online]. Available: