The diffusion of innovations theory and the adoption of cloud computing technologies by small scale enterprises in Kampala, Uganda

Kehinde Kenny Onayemi (1) , Joseph K Bada (2) , Frank Pio Kiyingi (3)
(1) a:1:{s:5:"en_US";s:17:"Nkumba University";} , Nigeria
(2) , Uganda
(3) , Uganda


This research paper is a review of the Diffusion of Innovations Theory and how it applies to the adoption of cloud computing by SMEs. Empirical data were collected from SMEs in Kampala as the unit of analysis from which 416 respondents were selected using the stratified sampling technique. It was a qualitative undertaking to the extent that data were interpreted in tandem with the postulations of the theory, but with some degree of statistical descriptions.


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Kehinde Kenny Onayemi
Joseph K Bada
Frank Pio Kiyingi
“The diffusion of innovations theory and the adoption of cloud computing technologies by small scale enterprises in Kampala, Uganda”, Soc. sci. humanities j., vol. 6, no. 12, pp. 2981–2988, Dec. 2022, Accessed: Feb. 23, 2025. [Online]. Available: