The Transformative Potential of Religious, Spiritual, and Mystical Experiences

Michael Barros (1) , Lola Schultz (2)
(1) Department of Psychology, Northcentral University , United States
(2) Department of Humanities, Boise Classical Academy , United States


Religious, spiritual, and mystical experiences (RSMEs) hold the potential to bring about transformative changes in individuals, according to studies in the field of neuroscience. This essay explores the psychological and social effects of RSMEs, including the promotion of positive attitudes such as compassion, empathy, and altruism, and the modification of beliefs. Despite ongoing debates about their nature, whether they are sui generis or attributional phenomena or a combination of both, this essay adopts an integrated model. The transformative potential of RSMEs cannot be overlooked, and the recognition of their utility in this context is well warranted.


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Michael Barros
Lola Schultz
“The Transformative Potential of Religious, Spiritual, and Mystical Experiences”, Soc. sci. humanities j., vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 3035–3043, Feb. 2023, Accessed: Jan. 22, 2025. [Online]. Available: